Monday, August 9, 2021

Last US-sponsored ISIS Hideout in Southern Syria is About to be Cleaned

This time, the Syrian Arab Army will not accept any more truce or delay, the SAA mobilized enough units to clean the last bleeding wound in the southern region of Syria, in particular in the Daraa Balad neighborhood within Daraa City, this is where it all started 10.5 years ago, and from here the terrorists continue to carry out their terrorist attacks against the civilians, police, army posts in the Syrian southern provinces of Daraa, Sweida, and Quneitra, from here they also threaten the Syria - Jordan highway, the vital lifeline for transit connecting Syria and Lebanon with Arabia through Jordan.

The Long Overdue Cleaning of Daraa is Imminent, It’s About Time

The Syrian Army was about to launch this military operation 10 days ago when the Russians asked for yet an additional time as the NATO-sponsored ISIS terrorists promised to lay down their weapons and leave the region without a fight. Naturally, neither ISIS terrorists nor their NATO sponsors are known to be honest and fulfill their commitments.

During the past 10 days, the terrorists continued the only thing they know: killing more innocent Syrian people and destroying more infrastructure.

Now, it's a matter of hours, maybe days, before the whole province of Daraa is declared clean from NATO and its ISIS terrorists.

More in this report: The Long Overdue Cleaning of Daraa is Imminent, It’s About Time - video included.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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