Sunday, August 8, 2021

Pentagon's SPA for ISIS Terrorists in Northeastern Syria!

Are you sick, famished, impoverished, weak, feeling down, injured? Don't worry, the Pentagon runs a free of charge spa with state of the art medical treatment by the highest-paid professionals with the best equipment not available to ordinary US taxpayers, unless you'd like to join the 'freedom fighters', those who fight the freedoms of other people in their countries across the planet.

Biden Forces Move 40 ISIS Terrorists from Kurdish Spa Centers to Rehab Base in Hasakah

If you're a law-abiding citizen, a behaved human being, a person who believes that the lives of other people matter, someone who has a family to support but don't want to buy them food with money soaked in the blood of innocent people, this is not for you, if you live by the opposite of these treats, then you can call Langely in Virginia and ask to be recruited in their overseas 'shadow ops' and accept to agree to their terms, all of it, and you'll get trained, loaded with the most advanced weapons, you'll be moving around in brand new SUVs with the cover of the some of the world's superpowers, you'll get paid handsomely, all your task is to kill innocent people who did no harm to you, to your family, or your country.

Well, this is what ISIS terrorists in the northeast and southeast of Syria enjoy, those ISIS terrorists who were serving the Pentagon in the southwest of Syria were pampered by the Israelis, now no more after the Syrian Army cleaned that area.

See what the taxpayers of the United States and its lackeys in NATO and Gulfies are funding: Biden Forces Move 40 ISIS Terrorists from Kurdish Spa Centers to Rehab Base in Hasakah.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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