Monday, December 14, 2020

Madman Erdogan Withdraws Turkish Army from Aleppo Sends Others to Idlib

In the implementation of his obligations in accordance to the Astana and Moscow agreements, the Turkish madman Erdogan withdrew the 7th Turkish army post so far from northern Syria, however, the hypocrite war criminal double-faced and NATO slave he is, he sends more Turkish army soldiers to Idlib...!

Erdogan sends more Turkish troops into Idlib northwest of Syria

It's been more than 2 years since Erdogan committed himself before the Russian President Putin and the Iranian President Rouhani to withdraw his troops: The Turkish army and al Qaeda terrorists from northern Syria, instead he beefed his troops of the Turkish army and al Qaeda terrorists in all over northern Syria, nobody can trust a Turk, add to it that Erdogan is a Muslim Brotherhood leader, they betrayed God and Islam for Israel.

The latest batch of the cannon fodders of the Turkish army sent to defend Al Qaeda terrorists in Idlib countryside raised the number in the Syrian Idlib southern countryside to 350, in the past 24 hours alone.

Simultaneously, his forces in the Aleppo southern countryside dismantled the 7th military point there.

Details and background in this report: Erdogan Withdraws Turkish Army from Aleppo, Sends More into Idlib!

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