Monday, December 14, 2020

More Weapons Hidden by Al Qaeda Terrorists Found in Southern Syria

Large quantities of weapons and munition supplied by NATO member states to Al Qaeda terrorists in Syria discovered in the southern region of the country.

Large quantity of weapons and munition discovered in southern Sy

The law enforcement authorities with the help of the Engineering Corps in the Syrian Army discovered a new stash of enormous quantities of heavy, medium, and light weapons, with their munition, and advanced communication devices hidden in former command centers used by Al Qaeda after receiving tips from the locals.

NATO member states and the Gulfies have provided Al Qaeda and its affiliates in Syria with enough weapons and supplies to arm the national armies of several countries, prioritized over their own healthcare systems and infrastructure, the wellbeing of their senior citizens and children.

Details in this report: Authorities Discover Large Quantities of Weapons Hidden by Terrorists in Southern Syria.

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