Thursday, September 2, 2021

Syrian Resistance Bombs Biden Forces Occupying a Gas Field

Conoco gas field is Syria's largest gas field and it's located to the northeast of the city of Deir Ezzor, the region where this field also contains Syria's largest oil field, Al Omar, and is the country's food basket, the people in this region started their armed struggle against the US occupying forces and their Kurdish protectors, on Tuesday evening, they struck the US troops occupying the Conoco gas field.

Conoco Gas Field - Deir Ezzor, Syria
Conoco Gas Field - Deir Ezzor, Syria

This is not the first time the Biden forces occupying Syria's oil and gas field come under fire, they were bombed more than once before, the latest of which was last month only, the Russian military police chases them in the desert, and the Syrian villagers block their convoys when they try to enter those villages.

The important question arises: Why on Earth would the USA put its troops in a very hostile environment that would wipe dozens of them off in a single shot any time? The answer, however, is simple: The US forces are in Syria's gas and oil fields to loot them and deprive the Syrian people of their own resources inside their country, naturally not to democratize and free the gas and oil fields.

The Pentagon never tells the truth about its casualties unless exposed by media, they sealed the site of this operation and enforced a blackout on the information in order to control the narrative, as usual.

More in this report: Biden Forces Occupying Syrian Conoco Gas Field Bombed with Rockets.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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