Thursday, September 2, 2021

209 NATO-sponsored Terrorists Surrender in Daraa Balad, the District is Finally Restored

After more than 10 very long years, the Syrian Army units accompany the Daraa policemen in entering Daraa Balad, Al-Qaeda and ISIS last district in southwestern Syria, now up to 50,000 people can return to their homes since early 2011, this was the 'cradle of the US-led war on Syria' dubbed the 'Arab Spring' Syria chapter.

The Syrian Army Restores Daraa Balad, 209 Terrorists Surrendered, But!

It wasn't an easy task, the district is very dense with houses next to each other and packed with people, any use of force would have resulted in a large number of casualties among the civilians, the Syrian army had to resort to a very painful teeth-biting while taking out some of the commanders of ISIS and tightening the noose on the holed-in terrorists, numerous ceasefire agreements were reached with representatives of the terrorists that would see 100 of them who refused to join the reconciliation leave toward 'Erdoganstan' (formerly known as Turkey) in the north, the terrorists would breach each of those agreements and commit a heinous crime after the other.

53 of the terrorists left the district in the past week preceding the final closure, 2 remain at large, 45 of the rest we don't know whether they joined the reconciliation or left, no sources are clarifying yet. The deal was mediated with Russian officers from the Russian reconciliation center in Hmeimim, they insisted on the end of any abnormal presence of terrorists in the region.

There is still one issue in south of Syria, that is in the southeast where Biden forces hold on an area of 50 square kilometers where they harbor hundreds of an ISIS-affiliated terrorist group called 'Maghawir Thawra' who also run the infamous 'Rukban concentration camp' in which hundreds of families are detained against their will, these families fled the rural villages of southeast Homs province when ISIS was advancing toward them to find themselves herded up in this camp under US and ISIS, again.

More in this report: The Syrian Army Restores Daraa Balad, 209 Terrorists Surrendered, But!

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