Wednesday, September 1, 2021

6 Syrian Children Maimed by Landmine Explosion North of Aleppo

Six children 10 - 13 years old were playing at the train railway when they stepped on an explosive device planted by Turkey-sponsored Al Qaeda terrorists when they infested this region to the north of the city of Aleppo.

Landmine Blast Mangles 6 More Syrian Kids; Useless UNMAS Still Missing

The children were rushed to Al Razi Hospital in Aleppo for treatment, their wounds varied from medium to severe, the shock was enough to engrave in their memory forever the generosity of NATO member states who prioritized 'democratizing' Syrian children with the help of Al Qaeda terrorists over helping a growing number of their own populations in those NATO countries who are facing eviction from their homes, who are squeezed by the 'pandemic' measures, and who would definitely benefit from those funds paid to Al Qaeda terrorists to maim and kill Syrian children.

Despite the enormous efforts exerted by the Syrian Arab Army's Engineering Corps and sappers from friendly countries in demining liberated areas, the task is overwhelming as the terrorists planted tens of thousands of all sorts of explosives in all the areas they entered, the USA and its European stooges are pressuring UNMAS, the United Nations Mine Action Service not to help the Syrian authorities in this regard.

More in this report: Landmine Blast Mangles 6 More Syrian Kids; Useless UNMAS Still Missing.

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