Friday, September 9, 2022

Russian Army Kills 7 Al Qaeda Terrorists Injures 10 More in Idlib, Northwest of Syria

Russian air force has been yesterday morning, some local sources said that 4 Russian fighter jets carried out a series of 16 sorties targeting Al Qaeda positions in the western Idlib countryside, the local sources noted that the terrorists were also busy gathering the remains of their buddies and attending to their wounded ones. Meanwhile, it was a field day for Al Qaeda's propaganda arm known as the White Helmets filming their usual Hollywood-style short films eyeing another Oscar Award.

As obvious from the above video, the ones filmed are not related to the bombing by fighter jets, that's not what casualties of fighter jets bombing look like, white flour and red paint with no pain agony sounds, or signs of pain to be seen on the alleged victims.

At least 7 of the terrorists were killed and 10 others injured as per the local sources, the terrorists belong to the Turkey-sponsored, Turkish army-protected Al Qaeda Levant (aka Nusra Front aka HTS also known in western media as Moderate Rebels).

The Syrian Army's artillery was simultaneously shelling other Al Qaeda positions in the same countryside.

The White Helmets and their parrots in the western mainstream do not report that terrorists were killed, they claim that only civilians, especially women and children are killed by the Syrian Army and their Russian Army allies. They claim that Al Qaeda terrorists in Syria are there to protect the Syrian people from their own fathers, brothers, and even mothers serving in the Syrian armed forces! You believe what you want to believe.

More in this report: Russian Fighter Jets Bombing Kills and Injures 17 Terrorists in Idlib.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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Russian Army Kills 7 Al Qaeda Terrorists Injures 10 More in Idlib, Northwest of Syria

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