Friday, September 9, 2022

Syrian Civil Aviation Restores Operations at Aleppo Airport after Israeli Bombing

Syrian Civil Aviation Authority managed to repair all damages at the Aleppo International Airport after the latest and second Israeli bombing which destroyed the runways and caused a halt to the arriving and departing civilian flights for the past 3 days.

Syrian Civil Aviation Restores Operations at Aleppo Airport after Israeli Bombing

Technicians of the Syrian Civil Aviation with the help of the various operators at the Aleppo Airport worked hard to repair the damage and restore the functionality of the airport in three days, a record time.

The Israeli bombing of the civilian infrastructure posed a dangerous risk to civilian lives including the airport's workers, passengers arriving and departing from the airport, families receiving and fare-welling their loved ones, and the civilian airplanes and facilities of the airport, a catastrophic humanitarian disaster and war crimes that only the self-proclaimed 'defensive' alliance known as NATO and its protectorates can carry out with impunity, though they believe.

A statement from the Syrian Ministry of Transport called on the operators of airlines to resume their operations starting Friday noon.

Meanwhile, the NATO-controlled United Nations Security Council remains mute about Israeli war crimes sanctioned by the most inclusive of Biden's White House junta.

More in this report: Aleppo Airport Restored to Fully Operational after Israel Bombed It.

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