Monday, August 15, 2022

Syrian Resistance Kills and Injures 11 Turkish Army Soldiers and Al Qaeda Terrorists

A Syrian resistance group called the 'Afrin Liberation Forces' have claimed responsibility for two attacks against the Turkish army and its proxy Al Qaeda terrorists in northern Aleppo countryside inflicting casualties among the occupation forces in both attacks.

Syrian Resistance Kills and Injures 11 Turkish Army Soldiers and Al Qaeda Terrorists

The Afrin Liberation Forces have carried out two attacks within two days targeting an illegal Turkish army base in Al Bab city killing at least 3 Turkish army soldiers and injuring 5 others on the 12th of August and targeting a vehicle carrying Al Qaeda terrorists operating under the Turkish army protection in the city of Marea killing 3 terrorists at least on the day earlier.

Local sources on the ground confirmed both attacks and the casualties, however, the number of Al Qaeda terrorists injured in the attack on their vehicle is yet to be confirmed.

The regime of the Turkish madman Erdogan and his loyalist in a large number of anti-Islamic Muslim Brotherhood and Wahhabi terrorist groups occupy large parts of northern Syria across all Syria's northern provinces of Idlib, Aleppo, Raqqa, Deir Ezzor, Hasakah, and even parts of Lattakia northern countryside.

Some sources affiliate the Afrin Liberation Forces with the Syrian National Defense Forces (NDF) sanctioned by the Syrian state, others affiliate them with Kurdish local communities betrayed by the US-sponsored Kurdish SDF separatist terrorists who left the people of Afrin and its surroundings to face the Turkish army and Al Qaeda terrorists alone refusing to hand over the region to the Syrian Army and withdrawing from the region hours before the advancing occupation forces.

More in my report on Syria News including a map showing the sites of the attacks: Syrian Resistance Neutralizes 11 Turkish Soldiers and Al Qaeda Terrorists in Aleppo.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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