Monday, August 15, 2022

Surprise: Israel Bombs Two Sites in Syria a Week after Bombing Gaza

When you're the only pariah unwanted in the region and in order to survive you need to destroy, kill, and uproot everybody around, there's something wrong with you, and this starts with your very existence based on what is widely known as a "promise by those who do not have to those who do not deserve" a land of others.

Israel Bombs Tartous and Damascus Countryside Killing Syrian Soldiers

Israel bombed two sites in two Syrian provinces at once, one in Tartous from the sea and the other from over the Lebanese capital Beirut against Damascus countryside.

The result of the bombing was the killing of 3 Syrian soldiers, the injury of 3 others, and some material losses, some of the incoming missiles were shot down before reaching their targets, a Syrian military spokesperson told the news agency, Sana.

This latest Israeli aggression, war crime, violating international law, breaching the UN Charter, breaching the cessation of hostilities treaty post the 1973 war, the continuous attacks on a country that is combating terrorism of ISIS and Al Qaeda over the past 11.5 years, coming only 7 days after it waged its deadly war on the besieged overcrowded Palestinian Gaza strip killing 47 Palestinians and including 15 children and 4 women, injuring more than 360 others, and massive material damage in the residential buildings it targeted in order to assassinate 2 Palestinian commanders only it committed itself not to carry out to stop the previous war it waged against Gaza and lost in last May 2021.

These are acts of desperation by the bullying entity of illegal settlers on stolen land, they see the writing on the walls with their patrons proving their inability in the face of Russia alone, whose collective efforts not only failed to stop the Russian special military operation to protect the ethnic Russians in the Donbas and denazify Ukraine, they literally disarmed themselves to arm Ukraine, bankrupted themselves to shore up what they themselves were calling the most corrupt country in Europe, and their sanctions against Russia has backfired against them.

Seeing the humiliating fleeing of US troops from Afghanistan, and the failure of their Saudi ilk in Yemen, the Israelis ran out of cannon fodders to fight their wars and they're trying, as I keep repeating, to wage a new regional war hoping they can squeeze out what's left of strength within their patrons to extend their existence on the stolen land.

More about late yesterday night's Israeli aggression against Syria in this post: Israel Bombs Tartous and Damascus Countryside Killing Syrian Soldiers.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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