Sunday, August 14, 2022

US Army Oil Thieves and Kurdish SDF War Crimes against Syrians Yesterday

Much of the northern Syrian provinces with the country's main agricultural, water resources, oil and gas fields, Raqqa, Deir Ezzor, and Hasakah are under occupation either by the US Army and its proxy Kurdish SDF separatist terrorists or by the other NATO member state Turkey and its proxy Al Qaeda and its affiliates and offshoots of terrorist groups, there are no coincidences at all that these areas need the collective forces of the NATO 'defensive' alliance to be 'democratized' in Syria according to the western narrative.

In the above context, the Syrians living in those regions are facing the same oppression and war crimes committed against the Palestinians a century ago with the same sponsors of the terrorism brought upon the people of the land under the justification of finding other people who wanted to create their own country on that specific land.

Plundering another country's natural resources is a war crime, it's also a trademark of the USA and its ilk, the former colonial powers of western Europe, they carry that out by their own forces and by the terrorist groups they create, it was Zionist terrorist groups back then, Haganah, Irgun, Lehi and others who later formed the current day Mossad and IDF, and today it's Al Qaeda, Nusra Front, ISIS (ISIL - HTS), Kurdish SDF, who are forming the 'moderate rebels' and other groups, the colonial powers are not even bothered to be creative to come up with new ideas because they don't need to, their people will buy any story sold to them as long as it's comfortable for them and doesn't require any thinking or action taken against the war criminals in their countries.

88 additional tankers carrying stolen Syrian oil were taken by the US army out of Syria and into neighboring Iraq, this comes merely two days after a convoy of 140 tankers loaded with stolen Syrian oil heading the same way.

Meanwhile, the Kurdish SDF separatists are in their terrorism frenzy, they killed a young man in his house and kidnapped two of his brothers in the town of Tel Barak in the Hasakah countryside.

The above video report explains much, the following report on Syria News details more: Updates: US Stealing Oil, Kurdish SDF Murder a Syrian Young Man.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

Featured image:

Soldiers of Biden Forces - Oil Thieves Brigade in northern Syria - file photo

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