Saturday, August 6, 2022

Israel Started a New War against Gaza with a Massacre

Israel started a new war against the people of Gaza with a massacre killing and injuring dozens including a 5 years-old girl, the Israeli IDF terrorists bombed a residential building in the overpacked Gaza strip to kill a Palestinian leader and the rest are just collateral damage.

Israel Commits a New Massacre in Gaza, Starts a New War

The killing of the Palestinian leader Taysir Al Jabarai by the US protectorate Israel is first, not an excuse to bomb a residential building and commit a massacre against civilians including children; second, the Israelis have already committed themselves not to target Palestinian leaders in exchange to stopping last year's war that Israel started against Gaza and lost.

Israel is obviously working within the Biden wars framework, spreading chaos around the world in order to win elections at home, Biden did give the anti-Jewish Zionist state the green light to carry on with its war crimes against the Palestinians whether in the pre-1948 occupied land, 1967 occupied land or in the Gaza strip.

The Israeli latest massacre yesterday and the killing of the Palestinian leader come four days after the Israelis kidnapped another senior Palestinian political leader in the West Bank after shooting the 62 year-old man and then lynching him on the street before dragging him away to a detention center where obvious marks of torture were all over his face in a picture it had to circulate to prove they did not kill him.

Palestinians later in yesterday's evening started retaliating against the Zionist state, over 100 missiles were fired against Israeli settlements, the Israeli super expensive Iron Dome shot down about 40% of the missiles, and the rest reached their destinations.

More in this report: Israel Commits a New Massacre in Gaza, Starts a New War.

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