Friday, August 5, 2022

Syrian NDF Resistance Unit Blows Up Al Qaeda Vehicle near Aleppo

A Syrian unit of the National Defense Forces (NDF) blew up a minibus carrying Turkey-sponsored Al Qaeda HTS terrorists in the western countryside of Aleppo, several terrorists were killed and injured in the attack, multiple sources confirmed.

Syrian NDF Resistance Unit Blows Up Al Qaeda Vehicle near Aleppo

The attack by the NDF against the minibus carrying the NATO-sponsored terrorists was part to liberate the Syrian land occupied by the HTS (formerly Al Qaeda Levant and Nusra Front), and part to avenge the killing of NDF personnel by the HTS back in May this year with a similar method.

The NDF unit that carried out the attack hails from the Nubbol and Zahraa Shia predominated towns before the people of these towns were forcefully evicted by the Turkish army and its plethora of Al Qaeda-affiliated terrorist groups.

Local sources in the Daret Izza Hospital where the casualties were rushed confirmed that at least 4 terrorists were killed and 5 others injured in the attack, the situation of some of those is very critical, three of the killed were commanders in the HTS group.

More in my report on Syria News: NDF Unit Kills and Injures Several NATO HTS Terrorists in Aleppo.

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