Monday, July 4, 2022

Terrorist Attacks Continue in the Southern Syrian Province of Daraa

Two Syrian policemen were killed in terrorist attacks that continue in Daraa, the southern Syrian province which the western propagandists like to call the 'cradle of the revolution', a revolution that the USA waged against Syria using mostly foreign terrorists against the people of Syria, their state, their culture, and their very existence.

ISIS Terrorists Kill Two Policemen in Daraa in Two Separate Attacks

It's been four years since the Syrian Arab Army managed to clean most of the southern region from the terrorists, and nine months since the Syrian army cleaned Daraa Balad, the center of the province, unfortunately, terrorist attacks didn't stop.

When the Syrian army decides to clean any area, they give the terrorists the choice either to surrender and join a reconciliation process that would include an amnesty and return to normal life if the terrorist has not killed any Syrian and this is exclusive to Syrians who joined terrorist groups for any reason, get shipped to northern Syria where the Turkish army with its plethora of affiliated terrorist groups control, or get terminated in a military solution.

However, there was a fourth option for the terrorists, especially ISIS terrorists, it was offered by the US army illegally deployed in the Al Tanf area in the deep desert, which flees to an area of 50 kilometers protected by the US army and continue their tasks from there, and those are the terrorists who in the last month, June, alone carried out 50 attacks killing dozens of Syrians including 18 Syrian army officers and soldiers then flee to the protection of the USA.

Details in this report: ISIS Terrorists Kill Two Policemen in Daraa in Two Separate Attacks.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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