Friday, July 22, 2022

Israel Challenges Russia in Syria, Bombs Southern Damascus after Putin's Remarks

In less than three days after Russian President Putin's remarks condemning Israel's repeated bombings against Syria during and post the tripartite summit in Tehran with his Iranian counterpart and the Turkish madman Erdogan, Israel carried out another bombing against Syria, this time targeting the city of Sayyeda Zainab in the southeastern Damascus countryside.

This latest Israeli war crime, bombing a city shortly after midnight, comes also within a series of aggressions the mini US anti-Jewish Zionist regime carry out against Syria taking advantage of Syria's preoccupation with all the other criminals on its land it is combating, the first and second strongest NATO armies, the US and Turkish, the presence of dozens of NATO spying agencies, tens of thousands of Al Qaeda, ISIS and their affiliated terrorists, and the US-sponsored Kurdish SDF separatist terrorists, add to them Israel itself which continues to occupy the Syrian Golan.

The bombing resulted in the killing of 3 Syrian Army soldiers and injuring 6 others, and material destruction in the area, as per an official Syrian military statement, Israeli news sources claim there were casualties from the Lebanese Hezb Allah fighters as well from their bombing.

If the latter is true, then Israel will be witnessing a separate retaliation from Hezb Allah known for their swift reaction in such cases, the Syrian response is, as usual, strategic, Syria does not follow the tit-for-tat method, so far, it dismantles the enemies capabilities on the long run just like how the USA found itself losing more than 7 trillion US dollars in the region without achieving any of its goals, on the contrary, those trillions are the base of the US spirling of out control public debt.

More about the Israeli bombing, the Russian role, and the Hezb's involvement in this report: Israel Bombs Damascus Countryside, 3 Killed 7 Injured, Challenges Russia!

Your objective comments are always welcome.

Featured image:

Israel bombs Sayyeda Zainab in Damascus countryside

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