Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Al Qaeda in Idlib Celebrating UNSC Resolution to Extend their Lifeline Supplies!

Al Qaeda is supposed to be a global terrorist organization, we were told, the United Nations Security Council added it to their list of terrorist organizations, they told us, all countries listed this organization as a terrorist organization, officially, they claimed, yet, this terrorist organization might be the richest 'NGO' on the planet with abundant direct financing from states like Qatar and Saudi Arabia, medical and logistical aid directly from Israel, full sponsorship from Turkey, and covert support from the United States, the council entrusted to preserve safety and security around the globe, the UNSC, just extended for the 8th year their supply routes from Turkey to Idlib for an additional six months!

UNSC Extends Al Qaeda Lifeline in Idlib for Six More Months!

The above might sound like a conspiracy theory except it is officially published on the United Nations mediums under the UNSC Resolution 2642 issued yesterday after long days of deliberations, especially between the Russian and western ambassadors with the Russians wanting to limit the scope of the previous resolution which expired on the 10th of the month and the westerners spearheaded by the UNSC NATO P3 (permanent 3) wanted to extend Al Qaeda lifeline for an additional year.

All the members of the current UNSC, the five permanent ones the USA, France, UK (NATO P3), China, and Russia, and the ten rotating countries agreed back in 2014 to bypass the Syrian government, and work against the Syrian government's protest against supplying Al Qaeda with 'aid' through six border crossing, some are illegal entry points, in what was dubbed the BCM or Border Crossing Mechanism.

The justification was always to help the Syrian people living in the regions under the control of Al Qaeda who the western countries are up to 4 million, who, our estimates put them less than 1.5 million, who the same western hypocrites, on their part, have bombed Syria multiple times under the guise of protecting the Syrian people from their own army, who funneled weapons worth tens of billions of dollars to factions they 'discovered later' that are radical terrorists to kill Syrians to 'protect' them, and who impose a strangling blockade on the Syrian people, the 16.5 million ones not living under the control of Al Qaeda in Idlib!

The above longer-than-usual paragraphs demonstrate how insane this hypocrisy is yet here we are, the United Nations Security Council agreeing to breach the sovereignty of one of its establishing member states in order to provide support for a terrorist organization as per its own definitions.

More in this report: UNSC Extends Al Qaeda Lifeline in Idlib for Six More Months!.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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