Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Syrian and Russian Armies attack Al Qaeda Posts in Southern Idlib

The Syrian Army and the Russian airforce based in Syria carried out a coordinated attack on a number of gatherings and quarters of Al Qaeda in the southern countryside of Idlib, in the northwest of Syria yesterday morning time.

Russian and Syrian Armies Bomb Al Qaeda Posts in Southern Idlib

Local sources reporting on the air strikes that targeted Al Qaeda posts in the outskirts of the villages of Balshoon and Mareian said there were two Russian fighter jets engaged in the bombing.

In the outskirts of the nearby villages of Majdaliya, Binnin, and Fatterah, the Syrian Army's artillery had a field day firing around 30 shells and taking out entire posts occupied by the NATO-sponsored Al Qaeda terrorists.

Al Qaeda terrorists have not revealed their casualties, there must have been over a dozen killed and injured due to the severity of the bombing and the terrorists spotted in the area at the time of the bombing.

Information of the Syrian and their allies targeting of terrorists never see its way to western mainstream media who parrots the same old narrative that the Syrian army and their Russian and other allies only target civilians, the only time the western MSM mentions the killing of terrorists in Syria is when the US or its proxies go after a terrorist commander who went astray for media consumption and to try to justify the NATO's continuous involvement in Syria!

More in this report with an interactive map showing the sites targeted: Russian and Syrian Armies Bomb Al Qaeda Posts in Southern Idlib.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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