Saturday, January 22, 2022

US-sponsored ISIS Terrorists attack a Syrian Police Bus after Busting Captagon Shipments

The Syrian law enforcement in the southern region have made important busts in their fight against illegal drugs and meths smuggled by traffickers with links to ISIS and other Al Qaeda affiliated terrorist groups, most of the shipments heading to the southern borders with Jordan believed to be en route to Saudi Arabia, the largest market for meths and high-level drugs.

Captagon pills busted in Syria

During the past couple of months, the Syrian law enforcement agencies including the police command in the provinces of Daraa, Damascus Countryside, Quneitra, and Sweida in cooperation with terror-combating forces and with the help of the Syrian customs at the Nasib border crossing with Jordan managed to seize shipments of hundreds of thousands of Captagon pills heading to the southern borders, the pills believed to be produced in the mostly lawless Eastern Lebanon where Saudi-loyalist politicians and trafficking groups and 'intelligence' agencies are active including those of the USA and Britain, and in areas still occupied by terrorists in different parts of Syria.

Throughout the past decade, Captagon pills (psychotropic stimulants, methamphetamine potentiated with theophylline) were the main substance fueling the 'freedom fighters' in Syria enabling them to commit the most horrific crimes with no remorse, the pills are not cheap, and the traffickers, when caught in Syria, face the death penalty, yet, the demand in Saudi Arabia and for the terrorists in Syria is very high so is the funding from the deep pockets of Saudis and Qataris and of course the taxpayers of the USA and other NATO countries, the business continues.

To retaliate against the latest busts of the Captagon pills, ISIS terrorists attacked a policemen bus returning the policemen manning the Nasib border crossing to their homes, luckily, no deaths among them but there were injuries treated in the Daraa's National Hospital.

The terrorists in the southern region operate from an area in the deep southeastern desert of Syria at the joint borders between Syria, Iraq, and Jordan, not coincidentally, it's the same area where the Biden forces are illegally deployed and enforce a 50 kilometers radius no-fly zone and restricted movement zone, the Biden forces have earlier attacked Syrian patrols chasing terrorists who fled to this area. The Al Tanf area is the base of the ISIS-affiliated 'Maghawir Thawra' terrorist group which the Pentagon's spokesperson brags from time to time of carrying out military drills with under the slogan 'Strong Together'...!

Surely there will be morons refuting this information, later on, they will hear it from their own 'reliable' mainstream media just like every single piece of information we reported during the past decade and was reported by those MSM outlets years later, the latest of which the bombing of Syria's main water dam, the Al Tabqa dam on the Euphrates which was bombed by the US forces, officially denied by the Pentagon at the time and revealed a couple of days ago by the New York Times.

New York Times Exposing the Pentagon's Lies - No Accountability Expected, as Usual
New York Times Exposing the Pentagon's Lies - No Accountability Expected, as Usual

More in this report: Biden’s Terrorists attack a Syrian Security Bus in Retaliation for Seizing Captagon Pills.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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