Tuesday, December 21, 2021

NATO-sponsored Terrorists Blocking the Delivery of Humanitarian Aid in Idlib

Terrorists working for NATO's 2nd top leader the Turkish madman Erdogan are blocking the delivery of humanitarian aid destined to the Syrian families in the province of Idlib, the United Nations Security Council was affirmed by a Russian top diplomat.

Terrorists in Idlib Blocking Humanitarian Aid Distribution, Russian Diplomat
United Nations Security Council - Archive photo

The Russian Deputy Ambassador to the UNSC explained that the last delivery of humanitarian aid sent back in August from the city of Aleppo, under the Syrian government control, to the city of Sarmada under Al Qaeda control in Idlib, was distributed by the terrorists earlier this month only, a delay of 4 months while tens of thousands of Syrian families suffer.

Defacing the hypocrite criers for humanity the NATO representatives at the UNSC, both the Russian and Syrian missions provided evidence of the efforts carried out by the NATO-sponsored Al Qaeda terrorists in the 'last stronghold of Al Qaeda' calling on the United Nations to secure these deliveries until the terrorists are removed from the province.

Idlib is controlled by more than 80 thousand anti-Islamic CIA-created Al Qaeda Wahhabi and Muslim Brotherhood suicide terrorists controlling more than 2 million Syrian civilians in the province with the help of the Turkish army, NATO's 2nd largest army, and other NATO member states.

More in this report: Terrorists in Idlib Blocking Humanitarian Aid Distribution, Russian Diplomat.

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