Thursday, September 9, 2021

New Landmine Explosion Kills an Entire Family in Central Syria

A landmine explosion massacred a whole family to the west of Tadmor (Palmyra), Central Syria, the father, mother, daughter were killed and the son got maimed.

Terrorists Murder Father, Mother, Daughter, Maim Son with a Landmine

This latest explosion which comes ten days after the latest explosion that maimed 6 children in northern Aleppo, was planted by the US-sponsored ISIS terrorists before they were defeated in this area by the Syrian Arab Army and their allies in 2016.

The boy was treated in the National Hospital in Tadmore before rushing him to the National Hospital in Homs for further treatment.

Syria suffers from the existence of tens of thousands of landmines and explosive devices planted by all the 'freedom fighters' sponsored by NATO member states in order to 'spread freedoms and democracies' in Syria, this type of freedom and democracy. The USA does not share the maps of the landmines and the explosive devices its proxy terrorists planted, and it's impeding the work of the United Nations Mine Action Service in this regard.

The USA and its European cronies are also blocking Syria's banking system to international markets to procure the needed equipment to demine the liberated areas before the families return to it after defeating the terrorists.

More in this report: Terrorists Murder Father, Mother, Daughter, Maim Son with a Landmine.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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