Sunday, September 26, 2021

Arab States Approaching Syria after Getting Green Light from the USA

Not sure whether they received a green light or an orange light, they are still touching waters; the Arab countries whose role was instrumental in inflicting the massive suffering on the Syrian people and the carnage against the only country that helped all of them throughout their history, these countries are now instructed to check how much Syria is willing to give concessions in exchange of lifting their siege off it?

Syria and the United States-Controlled Arabs, and the Arab League

To cut the story short, they will not achieve their tasks now as much as they didn't achieve it when Syria was under extreme pressure with over 350,000 anti-Islamic Wahhabi jihadist terrorists were in the country and threatening the Syrian major cities.

The Syrian leadership is more than aware of the role played by each country in the war waged against it for the past 10.5 years, whether Arab or European or even an ally country that kept silent. Some countries have tried to establish communications with the Syrian state through intelligence services in order to obtain information on terrorist groups, like in the old days and like if nothing happened, while these same countries continue to finance the terrorists in Syria, the Syrian leadership is refusing all such offers.

What makes this latest attempt of rapprochement toward Damascus, especially from the Arab countries who needed a US signal achieve what previously it failed to is a mystery, the Syrian state has already won, largely, not only the US project of hegemony has been defeated in Syria, the Syrian victory caused a reverse domino effect wiping out long years of working by the enemies of the humanity.

More in this report: Syria and the United States-Controlled Arabs, and the Arab League.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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