Sunday, August 15, 2021

Two More Children Killed by Landmine Explosion in Syria

Landmines continue to harvest the innocent lives of the Syrian people and especially the children, every area infested by the NATO-sponsored 'freedom fighters' in the country were planted with landmines and IEDs - improvised explosive devices which continue to kill long after the areas are liberated and the terrorists, sorry, freedom fighters are defeated.

Landmine Explosion Kills Two More Children in Eastern Aleppo

The Syrian Army's Engineering Corps work around the clock to comb and demine the areas liberated from the terrorists, the job is overwhelming, tens of thousands of those explosive killing and maiming machines are everywhere and the USA is refusing to hand over the maps of where the landmines are planted by the freedom fighters it spent tens of billions of its dollars and hundreds of billions of dollars from its proxies, namely Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

The two children killed today were little shepherds grazing their sheep in the outskirts of a rural small village in Aleppo's eastern countryside not far from the Euphrates River, and also not far from villages still infested by the 'freedom fighters' in the north.

More in this report: Landmine Explosion Kills Two More Children in Eastern Aleppo.

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