Thursday, August 12, 2021

Two Electricity Technicians Killed by Landmine Explosion in Northeastern Syria

Two electricity technicians were killed when their vehicle hit a landmine in the Deir Ezzor province, two more Syrian families are devastated no thanks to the US and EU taxpayers continue to fund the 'regime change' war in Syria.

Landmine Explosion Kills Two Electricity Technicians Killed in Deir Ezzor

The landmine explosion killed the two technicians on the spot and destroyed their vehicle, they were heading to rehabilitate the Al Mayadeen - Bukamal high voltage grid which was destroyed by the US-sponsored ISIS terrorists before their defeat at the hands of the Syrian Arab Army and its allies.

Landmines and IEDs - Improvised Explosive Devices continue to kill and maim dozens of innocent Syrians in all the places previously 'democratized' by the NATO terrorists, Syria is facing major obstacles in demining the tens of thousands of landmines and dismantling more explosive devices because of the US and EU inhumane sanctions and blockade, again under the guise of democratizing the Syrian people, or what's left of them, like what limbs are left of them, literally.

More about this latest crime in this report: Landmine Explosion Kills Two Electricity Technicians Killed in Deir Ezzor.

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