Friday, August 13, 2021

Biden Escalating the Theft of Syrian Oil While His Troops are Unaware Why They're in Syria?

US troops in Syria do not know why they're deployed in the country, on what grounds, and whether their deployment is legal, the only thing they do is following orders, the orders come from the White House junta under Biden.

Biden Forces Smuggle 110 Tankers of Stolen Syrian Oil into Iraq in 3 Days

This is what we discovered last week as Biden forces escalated their theft of Syrian oil from the oil fields in the northeastern Syrian provinces of Hasakah and Deir Ezzor, the oil is smuggled into neighboring Iraq in convoys of dozens of tankers and at the same time, the spokesperson of the Biden forces in Syria a high ranking officer claimed their presence in Syria is stipulated by the United Nations Security Council 2254, which is totally untrue had he only read the preface of the resolution let alone the entire text of it.

In total, Biden forces smuggled 110 tankers loaded with stolen Syrian oil into Iraq within 3 days only between Monday last week and yesterday, Thursday.

The officer had to delete his tweet after he was slammed by activists, including yours truly, and even by the Russian Embassy in Washington which shared with him the UNSC Resolution 2254 full text, that much these killing machines and cannon fodders for Israel are brainwashed.

More and details in this report: Biden Forces Smuggle 110 Tankers of Stolen Syrian Oil into Iraq in 3 Days.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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