Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Syria and the League of Nations a New Book by Syrian Seasoned Diplomat Dr. Bashar Jaafari

Seasoned Syrian diplomat Dr. Bashar Jaafari issued a new book visiting the era between the two world wars and the League of Nations which preceded the United Nations and led to its issuance. The book received high praise and was celebrated in Damascus.

‘Syria and the League of Nations’: Dr. Jaafari’s Latest Book Celebrated

Dr. Bashar Jaafari is currently the deputy minister of foreign affairs in Syria and is globally known for his fierce and eloquent defense of his country in the United Nations Security Council during the past 10 years when he was his country's ambassador to the United Nations, mostly against all NATO hyenas who wanted to destroy Syria as they destroyed Libya and every other country they force exported their surplus of democracies to.

The victors of the first World War convened and created the League of Nations to establish a world order, the problem in that league was the charter and international law in which those victors of the war gave themselves the right to invade and colonize the rest of the world. This was fixed in the charter of the current United Nations and in the international laws, it was flawed again by the victors of WWII by giving themselves the veto privilege over the rest of the world.

More about the book's ceremony in this report: ‘Syria and the League of Nations’: Dr. Jaafari’s Latest Book Celebrated.

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