Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Biden's Most Inclusive Junta Beefing Up Forces Illegally Deployed in Syria

There are no signs that the most inclusive and diverse junta of the White House is scaling down their illegal occupation of parts of Syria and their continuous plundering the country's wealth depriving the Syrian people of food and fuel and despite the change of tone by the US officials stated after Russia gave them the latest United Nations Security Council resolution which allowed the extension of supplies from NATO member state Turkey into the Syrian Idlib province, the last stronghold of Al Qaeda!

Biden Occupation Regime Criminally Brings more Weapons into Syria

In this context, a convoy of 37 trucks loaded with weapons and munition was spotted entering the Syrian territories from the Iraqi Kurdistan province and heading to the illegal US military bases in the oil and gas fields in the Syrian Deir Ezzor province.

This also comes after series of attacks by the Syrian resistance targeting the US illegal military presence in Syria in those bases in the past 10 days, some of these attacks were in retaliation to Biden's cross-border bombing in Syria and Iraq killing at least 4 Iraqi PMU soldiers on the Iraqi side of the border and a Syrian child on the Syrian side of the border. The Iraqi PMU soldiers were guarding the borders against attacks by ISIS terrorists.

'America is Back', Biden said, true, as if America changed during his predecessor Trump, the only 'back' in America is the hypocrite statements covering for the same war crimes committed throughout all the US presidents since the 'white man' reached the American continent.

More about this latest development in this report: Biden Occupation Regime Criminally Brings more Weapons into Syria.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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