Monday, July 12, 2021

Russian Helicopters in Syria Help Put Down a Mountain Fire

Russian military helicopters came to the rescue in helping put down a mountainous wooded fire before it spread further and endangered the nearby villages in the coastal region of Jableh, Syria.

Russian Military Helicopters Help Extinguish a Fire in Jableh Countryside

The helicopters were dispatched from the Hmemim military airbase, it's not their first time and it's not limited to only firefighting, the Russian military has been effective in helping the Syrian armed forces and the other Syrian allies in the war against the US-sponsored terrorist groups, helped remove landmines and explosives from massive areas, and helped in the humanitarian aid deliveries and the reconciliations.

More about this latest firefighting in this report: Russian Military Helicopters Help Extinguish a Fire in Jableh Countryside.

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