Wednesday, June 9, 2021

They Fled the US Forces in Raqqa To Be Bombed in Homs

The neighborhood of Karm Al Louz in Homs hosts a large number of internally displaced Syrian refugees (IDPs) who fled the invasions of the US forces with their ISIS, Al Qaeda Levant, and the Kurdish SDF terrorists of their city and are living peacefully in this welcoming neighborhood in Homs, until yesterday evening when the US-sponsored terrorists visited their neighborhood.

Terrorist Attack in Homs Leaves a Child in Critical Care and 7 IDP’s Injured

Someone planted a roadside bomb (IED, or Improvised Explosive Device) and detonated it around 9:30 pm, the sound of the explosion was heard from distant neighborhoods in the Syrian central city of Homs.

8 of the IDPs were injured one of them is a little girl who remained in intensive care in the hospital and her situation is critical.

These terrorist attacks are meant to keep spreading panic and fear among the Syrian people in order to subdue them to accept the US hegemonic terms which in reality the US citizens have no benefits at all in them, it's all against the interests of the US and have everything to do for Israel, 'only if the Americans knew'.

More in this report: Terrorist Attack in Homs Leaves a Child in Critical Care and 7 IDP’s Injured.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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