Monday, March 8, 2021

President Assad and Syria's First Lady Test Positive for COVID-19

The Syrian Presidency announced that Syria's First Couple tested positive for COVID 19 and they have retreated into self-quarantine.

Feeling light symptoms of the disease, the Syrian President, an ophthalmologist underwent the PCR test along with the first lady and the results returned positive for COVID 19. The statement said.

Syrian President Bashar Assad and First Lady Asmaa


The Syrian Presidency added that their status is stable and will continue their work from home where they selected their self-quarantine to be.

The First Couple wished the best health for everyone and called on the Syrian people to take all precautions possible to avoid catching the infection. The First Lady is a cancer survivor.

More in this report: President Assad and First Lady Asmaa Test Positive for COVID.

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