Tuesday, March 9, 2021

18 Farmers Killed in Central Syria by NATO Landmines Explosions

Landmines explosions blew up in farmers heading to collect truffles in the countryside of Salamiyah yesterday morning, police chief stated.

Salamiyah Hama landmines explosion Syria

The Police Chief described the tragedy as these farmers were on their vehicles heading to the farmlands of Rasm Al-Ahmar in the Salamiyah countryside, in the eastern Hama province when landmines planted by NATO-sponsored terrorists blew up in their vehicles tearing up 18 of them and injuring 3 others.

The injured are not in any good shape and the doctors at the Salamiyah Hospital are desperately trying to save their lives, the police commander told the reporters.

Thousands of landmines were planted in the regions infested by Al-Qaeda terrorists dubbed Free Syrian Army by western mainstream media and NATO officials, also calling them 'Moderate Rebels', and other nonsense words that their Sheeple like to hear. They plant the landmines to continue harvesting innocent souls for decades to come.

More than 2600 civilians killed by these landmines, almost 600 of them were children, and thousands of others wounded, a wound of a landmine explosion is usual a permanent disability, mainly losing a limb or more, trauma and loss of sight and hearing as well.

More in this report: Tragedy: 18 People Killed by Landmines Explosions in Hama Province.

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