Sunday, February 7, 2021

Why Iran Is NOT Attacking Israel Despite Israel's Crimes against it?

In the western mainstream media they systematically manipulate the news to show always the victim is the aggressor and the aggressor is the victim, it's exactly the warning of Malcolm X: 'If you’re not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.'

This applies pretty much to the case of Iran demonized by the entire western mainstream media only after the Shah was ousted, it wasn't about the Shah himself, the attitude of the USA and other western countries toward the ousted Shah refusing to receive him and provide medical treatment is a sheer example of their hypocrisy, it's because Iran shifted from being a pro-Israel country to an anti-Israel country, that earned it the systematic demonizing by the so-called free world.

Whatever Iran says will be considered provocation even when they say we will retaliate to any attack against us, as if there are two human races in the world, one that can commit whatever atrocities upon the other which in turn must not stand up and respond.

A member of Quora, the wiki Q & A social platform, asks a question in this context and I'll copy my answer to his question here to preserve my contribution from Quora's heavy censorship and also to share the information with the readers of this platform.

Question: Why has Iran refrained from directly attacking Israel all these years?

My Reply:
Unlike Israel, nobody else in the region has the tendency to attack others except in self-defense. Add to that, Iran is not directly threatened by Israel nor has land occupied by it, so they’re taking their time until they build more capabilities while Israel loses its own.

You should keep in mind when you say Israel, you’re actually referring to all of NATO spearheaded by the USA and the UK, even Germany gifts them submarines from time to time. Despite all of this support, Israel is not sustainable and has to keep attacking its neighbors to remain alive, the more they weaken their neighbors the more they have a chance to extend their presence for a few more months, that’s why the US and its other cronies supporting Israel have worked hard to destroy every country that poses any threat to Israel, especially the countries with national armies by direct invasion or by proxies: Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Sudan, tried 10 years with Algeria, installed their anti-Islamic Muslim Brotherhood puppets in Tunisia and Egypt but the latter was toppled by the army so they courted the army by its top generals, and so on.

This, however, didn’t stop Iran from supporting the countries and organizations that are resisting the ‘Greater Israel Project’ dubbed ‘Greater Middle East Project’, which itself was part of PNAC - The Project for the New American Century, which the Syrians proudly killed, though at a hefty price but they saved humanity.

Here’s a couple of articles that you’d learn a lot from and they have links to other sources as well:

End of my reply on Quora.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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