Monday, February 8, 2021

Remains of World Renowned Archeologist Khaled Asa'ad Killed by ISIS Found

The remains of the world's top archeologist Professor Khaled Asa'ad were found near the city of Tadmor (Palmyra) along with two other bodies, the Syrian authorities said.

Syrian and world renowned archeologist Dr. Khaled Asaad killed by ISIS near Palmyra

An official statement said that the remains are most likely of the 82 years scientist Dr. Khaled Asa'ad who was defending the world's heritage and UNESCO top-listed city of Palmyra when ISIS stormed the city, held him captive and tortured him to death then decapitated his head and hanged him on a pole at the entrance of the city because he refused to lead them to the historical treasures they were after.

ISIS stormed Tadmor - Palmyra in May 2015, they killed him in August 3 months later, one can only imagine what they've done to this noble old person all these days in their captivity.

It's worth noting that a number of former US officials who were in their posts during the Obama era when ISIS was created, many of which are now recycled in the 'diverse' regime of Biden, have confessed that the USA had a great role in the rise of ISIS, if not the whole creation, training, funding, arming, and supporting the terrorist organization in its crimes in the open desert between Syria and Iraq: The USA Created ISIS, Former Top Al Qaeda Official.

More about this in this report: Khaled Al Asaad Remains Found near Palmyra: Kidnapped, Tortured, Beheaded by ISIS.

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