Friday, February 5, 2021

Russian and Syrian Army Destroy Al Qaeda Command Center and Tunnels in Idlib

The Russian aerospace forces and the Syrian Army carried out a number of military strikes against top Al Qaeda posts in the past couple of days in the northwestern Syrian province of Idlib thus increasing the heat under the Turkish Madman Erdogan and his NATO stooges in the so-called Al Qaeda's last stronghold in the region.

Russian RuAF Aerospace Force in Syria

A Russian airstrike decimated a command center for the NATO-sponsored terrorist organization north of the city of Idlib, the airstrike also blew up a tunnel and weapons depots used by the terrorists.

The Syrian Army on the ground fired dozens of missiles and rockets at fortified dens of Al Qaeda and its derivative groups operating in the outskirts of two towns in the southern Idlib countryside destroying the dens.

Both military operations delivered a blow to Erdogan's efforts in strengthening his position in upcoming future military operations. Erdogan, who signed three agreements with the Russian and Iranian Presidents in Sochi, Astana, and Moscow obliged himself to unarm Al Qaeda terrorists from the northwestern Syrian province and to withdraw the non-Syrian combatants of the UNSC-designated terrorist organization, instead, he beefed up their numbers, weapons, and gears, and even sent thousands of Turkish (NATO) Army soldiers to the province to stand as human shields for the terrorists facing the Syrian Army.

More in this report: Russian RuAF Destroy Command Center and Terrorist Tunnel in Idlib. - Videos Included.

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