Saturday, December 12, 2020

Russian Army Bombs a Cave Used by NATO Terrorists in Idlib Countryside

Russian forces operating in Syria bombed a huge cave used by NATO-sponsored terrorists as their command center in Idlib countryside.

Russian engineers blow up a cave used by terrorists in Idlib

The engineering unit in the Russian army blew up the one square kilometers huge cave in the city of Khan Sheikhoun in the southern Idlib countryside, the cave was used by the so-called 'Izzat Army', one of the numerous derivatives of Al Qaeda FSA loose terrorist groups in Syria sponsored by NATO.

Khan Sheikhoun was cleaned from NATO terrorists back in August last year, 2019, the city is still being combed for explosives and landmines left behind by the human garbage sent to Syria with the tax money of the taxpayers in NATO member states and with their consent.

The clearing of this huge cave and preparing for its bombing took more than a month, the cave has multiple tunnels leading to different rooms with an advanced ventilation system and was stuffed with massive quantities of weapons, munition, medical and food supplies that should have sustained the terrorists for long months.

Details in this report - video included: Russian Forces Blow Up a Terrorists’ Command Cave in Idlib Countryside.

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