Friday, December 4, 2020

NATO Terrorists Stealing Electricity Towers in Northeast Syria

NATO terrorists working for NATO's second top chief the Turkish Erdogan dismantled the high voltage electric power towers in the Hasakah province, northeast of Syria in order to sell it to Turkish merchants working for the Erdogan family business.

high voltage electric grid in Abu Rassin Hasakah Syria

The terrorists were reported by local sources to work at early dawn hours in at least 3 villages in the Abu Rassin region in the northern Hasakah countryside, northeast of Syria.

Locals said the terrorists were of the anti-Islamic Muslim Brotherhood groups loyal to the Turkish madman Erdogan and were working under the protection of the Turkish army, NATO's second-largest army.

This is not the first time NATO terrorists steal Syrian infrastructure and machinery, this has been a systematic operation ever since the early days of the US-led war of terror against the Syrian people, machines from tens of thousands of factories in the Aleppo governorate alone were dismantled and sent to Turkey, and the equipment the terrorists can't dismantle were destroyed on the ground. Power stations, metal towers, cables, and generators, oil digging and extracting machinery, farming machinery, street light poles, communication towers, and everything of value in addition to people's belongings were stolen and shipped to NATO member state Turkey.

Erdogan benefits in several ways from this war crime against the Syrian people, first it serves his policy to Israelize the regions occupied by his terrorists, that is uprooting the locals and landowners and replacing them with families of the terrorists working for him brought from other areas in Syria and from other countries all the way from China to Libya. Erdogan's family sells the stolen equipment and stolen Syrian oil and then send in Turkish companies to replace the damaged infrastructure on the account of European taxpayers' money and his Qatari financier.

Details in this report: Erdogan Terrorists Stole High Voltage Electric Towers in Abu Rassin Area.

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