Monday, December 7, 2020

More Kurdish SDF Separatists Eliminated in Northern Syria

At least 6 Kurdish separatist SDF militiamen were killed in several attacks against their posts and vehicles in the past couple of days in the Syrian northern provinces of Deir Ezzor and Hasakah.

US sponsored separatist Kurdish SDF militia north Syria

Three of the guards of the US oil thieves were killed in a shooting by unknown gunmen who attacked their post, and two others in an IED explosion in one of their vehicles in eastern Deir Ezzor countryside, and one more in an attack in Hasakah southern countryside.

The attacks against the Kurdish SDF separatists are on the rise in response to their crimes against the Syrian civilians in the areas they infest mimicking the Turkish terrorists in the northern regions of Syria.

Further details in this report: 6 Separatist Kurdish SDF Militiamen Killed in Deir Ezzor and Hasakah.

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