Thursday, December 10, 2020

Is It True that the Syrian 'Civil War' Started by Gov't Torturing Children?!

 During the past 10 years we heard so many stories about the war on Syria, the story of the children in Daraa being tortured by a security agency is one of the most ludicrous stories yet one of the most circulated by mainstream media, maybe because it is so ludicrous the MSM loved it!

Is it true? Where did it come from? What about that 6 years old boy Hamza Khatib who was tortured and his body mutilated by the security people in Daraa just for chanting some slogans?

The subject question is still being asked by concerned people, either sincerely to understand what really happened that caused all the mayhem that ensued or malignly to refresh the fire of the terror in Syria, either way, all you have to do is to apply common sense and logic.

A member of the Quora Q & A wiki platform asked this question in a forum on the site: Since the media claims that the civil war was started by the government torturing school children, is there any real proof for this? If so please share, and if not please share real reason!

The question came across my feed and I left an answer I'm copying here in full to preserve it from Quora's heavy censorship and also to share the information with the readers of this post, so this is my reply there to the above question:

It’s one of the tens of thousands of fabrications starting with calling it a civil war. I wrote before if what’s going on in Syria is a civil war it would be much more realistic to call the 9/11 attacks a civil war, at least that is the work of a CIA in-house product which is Al Qaeda, whether it went rogue after it doesn’t matter.

A civil war is a fight among different components of a society, for tribal reasons, ethnic reasons, religious reasons, over land disputes, sectarian fueled, or whatever, at least there must be two opposing sides of the same society. Tens of thousands of Chechen, Libyan, Egyptian, Tunisian, Uighur, even European fighters dumped into Syria by NATO agencies is not a civil war.

The whole story of the children torture is based on a feud that happened when some locals wanted to register the contracts of the sale of their land to Qatari entities, being border-lands it required a special security clearance, the security agency was suspicious of the Qataris buying border-land with the occupied Syrian Golan and didn’t approve the sale, the locals selling their land were mad because the Qataris offered massive sums of money, the security agency in charge argued why Qatar left the entire country and is interested in a land that is a battlefield in any new confrontation and the head of the security agency in Daraa, who happened to be a cousin of the president since most of his family joined the army in the old days due to the poverty in their region, the security head received the locals and explained to them but to deaf ears and that’s when the rumor started.

This is just like the other rumor of Hamza Khatib, a 6 years old boy arrested by the security forces because he was singing the mantra ‘the people want the regime fall’ while leaving school, he was tortured and disfigured and had his penis cut and put in his mouth, when in fact the boy was 16 years old, they forget the 1 to the left of the 6 in his age, and he was among a group of others who attacked the military housing complex in a city’s suburb when the officers were at work, they were full of testosterone and thought they’d go after the wives and daughters of the SAA officers, to their bad luck they were not told that the military housing complex is guarded by SAA soldiers who responded to the shooting at them and the testosterone-fueled teenager was caught in the crossfire. He was killed with 3 bullet shots.

This two parts series has much of such stories, the forensic doctors will show you the body of Hamza Khatib and what happened to it, as well the body of the US journalist Marie Colvin who was alleged to be killed by the SAA in Homs deliberately, while the real story was she embedded with Al Qaeda jihadists and was killed by one of their hand-made bombs, I have to warn you the contents are ugly:

Read: The War of Terror on Syria Through Forensic Medicine - GRAPHIC.

I would always go by a forensic doctor’s report supported with evidence without speculation over media outlets with a history of lies to justify invasions of other countries.

Syria and the Western Mainstream Media

From the post: 'Syrian Civil War': British Terrorists, US Troops, and Western Hostages!

The main reason for the war on Syria is the US’s PNAC project: the Project for a New American Century, this would include the Greater Israel Project dubbed the Greater Middle East Project in which Erdogan was promised by George W. Bush a “leading role in the region”, that’s what Erdogan himself said, watch him say it and see what his own mentor Erbakan disavowed him because of it: Erdogan, the Tool in the Hands of the Zionists

Here, I will take a confession of a person over the assumptions of his apologists.

Notice how ‘democracy’ was not sent to countries that do not have a constitution and have never had any elections, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, rather, those two were the launchpad and financiers of the project to ‘democratize’ a country with the oldest parliament in the region, Syria, and other countries with national armies whose ideology is based on independence and anti-Israel doctrine - the armies of Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Tunisia, Algeria, and Iran, even the Egyptian and Sudanese armies were targeted.

GRAPHIC: MSM on Syria & Israel: When Terrorism Is, and Is Not.

End of my answer on Quora.

Remember that in Syria the security forces are part of the Syrian Armed Forces and they're in their majority conscripts from the same Syrian communities the western mainstream media wants you to believe are being oppressed by them, think about that for a second: Would your brother or son or father in the army of your country torture you to serve the president of the country who he might never meet in his lifetime? Let that sink in.

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