Saturday, October 31, 2020

Turkish Madman Erdogan Thinks He Can Play the World, Putin Thinks Otherwise

 From 'Zero Problems with the World' to Problems with every other country, that's how the Turkish Madman Erdogan managed to shift his country's policy in the past 18 years of his ruling, he even backtabbed his own friends who made him president, including his former president who released him from prison!

The relations in his country and the relations with members of the NATO alliance of evil countries with colonial past and future plans for more colonialism are something, but the relations with Russia are something totally different.

Russia and Turkey have an uneasy past, they don't trust each other, they have overlapping interests, especially with the Neo-Ottoman dreams of Erdogan pushing boundaries of his country in all directions being the opportunist he is, however, short-term opportunities do not create longlasting strategic policies for any country, imagine a country like Turkey where now everybody has issues with!

Husni Mahali, a Turkish career journalist, a close observer of foreign policies of his country, and a former friend of Erdogan who was also was detained for some time for criticizing Erdogan has the following say about the latest developments in the bilateral relations between Russia and Turkey and the relations between the two countries in the different arenas from Libya to Syria to Nagorno Karabach: Russia and Turkey, Has Putin Lost Patience?

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