Monday, October 26, 2020

Russian Airstrike Kills and Injures 180 terrorists in Idlib, Northwest of Syria

180 is the latest toll of the casualties of this morning Russian airstrike against a training camp of one of Al Qaeda offshoots in Idlib, in the northwest of Syria.

The terrorists were members of the so-called 'Faylaq Al-Sham', a group that follows Erdogan's version of Islam the anti-Islamic Muslim Brotherhood ideology, the same ideology that Al Qaeda's current leader Ayman Zawahri follows.

This is the highest number of casualties among the terrorists in a single strike, especially after they were flushed from different parts of Syria and dumped into Idlib, which is called by military analysts as 'Al-Qaeda's last stronghold in Syria'.

A single air raid by a single Russian fighter jet at 9:30 this morning, 26 October 2020, left all those casualties, this is a direct Russian message to Erdogan after the latter instigated the recent escalations in Nagorno Karabach and spoiled the first Russian-brokered ceasefire between Azerbaijan and Armenia and is working to spoil the second one now.

Details and short video with Graphic Contents not acceptable by this platform in this report: 180 Faylaq Al-Sham Terrorists Killed and Injured by a Russian Airstrike in Idlib.

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