Saturday, April 25, 2020

Trump Creates a New Terrorist Group Northeast of Syria to Loot the Oil

Donald Trump has authorized the creation of a new terrorist group northeast of Syria, east of the Euphrates, to protect US mercenary forces looting Syrian oil.

The new ISIS-like group will most likely be financed from the spoils of war and from the US taxpayers with a few millions of dollars a year as salaries, and tens of times of that amount in weapons and logistics.
The new Trump terrorist battalion consists of 800 members all of youth Syrians who spent the best of their lives in constant fear from one US-sponsored terrorist group to another, starting with the terror inflicted upon them by the ‘peaceful protesters’ who were torching public buildings, farms, sniping and kidnapping villagers to force them into ‘protests for democracy’, to the terror by the FSA, assorted Gulfies terrorist groups like the Kuwaiti terrorists who massacred 61 women and children and one elderly cleric in Hatla, to later be intimidated and terrified by al-Qaeda, its Nusra Front derivative, followed by ISIS and not lastly by the Kurdish separatist militias of the SDF and Asayiesh. The Turks came later bringing back with them the remnants of the FSA and beefing them with new anti-Islamic Muslim Brotherhood radicalized pathogens... Continue reading (video report included):

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