Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Syria and Iran Suspicious of Turkish Commitment to Moscow Understandings

President Bashar Al Assad received in Damascus the Iranian Minister of Foreign Affairs Muhammad Javad Zarif, that would be a normal and regular bilateral friendly meeting, but at a time of a global lock-down especially on air flights due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic preventive measures, there must be something of top urgency.

Visiting minister Zarif met with his Syrian counterpart Minister Walid Muallem at the Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs first then they both moved to the Syrian Presidency where President Assad received Minister Zarif. Minister Zarif has an important message to deliver in person to President Assad from the Iranian leadership, and this message cannot be conveyed by a video or phone conference.
Following this meeting in Damascus, the Kremlin stated that Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed with the Turkish Erdogan by a phone call the recent developments in Syria, preparations for the coming virtual summit, and added that the ‘Presidents renewed their confirmation of the unconditional compliance with the principles of Syrian sovereignty.’
At least, that’s what most political and military observers and analysts are arriving at. The real Axis of Evil led by the USA and its NATO and regional cronies have not stopped their daily war crimes business even during the times when their own countries are... Continue reading (video reports included):

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