As Syria News reported last Friday nine civilians were murdered in Mhardeh. At the same time, UNSC President Nikki Haley warned Syria against fighting terrorism and terrorists in Syria.
While these vermin beyond description- who even the great wordsmith Oscar Wilde could never have hoped to describe anywhere near adequately- were murdering Syrians, Recep Erdogan seems to have prevailed at the tripartite Russia/Turkey/Iran meeting in Tehran to discuss what should happen in Idlib. It may be a stretch to call it a train wreck, but the three leaders were engaged in a public debate, Hassan Rouhani and Vladimir Putin on one side, Erdogan on the other. Rouhani was closest to Syrian government desires to conduct a full operation to cleanse the province of terrorist groups. Putin, while expressing the urgency to destroy Al-Qaeda forces, was sympathetic to Erdogan’s desires to exclude Turkish backed Free Syrian Army forces from anti-terrorist operations.
Erdogan showed once again that with friends like him who needs enemies by proposing a... Continue reading:
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