August 07, 2012, a Christian family from al Alyat village in Homs countryside, central of Syria received the most painful news a family can endure: 10 of its members were butchered during their work in the tourism resort near the Damascus - Homs main highway, Jandar Tourism Resort witnessed yet one more of those heinous scenes of the 'democratizing' process of Syria.
Jandar's resort massacre's victims, known names:
Michael Rashid Takla
Bassam Marwan Takla
Talal Munhem Takla
George Elias Takla
Mtanious Ibrahim Hajal
Mtanious Elias Touma
Mtanious Jacob Michael
Ahmad Mustapha Koumi (Muslim killed for just being there)
Jandar's resort massacre's victims, known names:
Michael Rashid Takla
Bassam Marwan Takla
Talal Munhem Takla
George Elias Takla
Mtanious Ibrahim Hajal
Mtanious Elias Touma
Mtanious Jacob Michael
Ahmad Mustapha Koumi (Muslim killed for just being there)
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Martyr Talal M Takla - photo obtained from a relative of him |
Their crime was being Christians, and working for money in a resort and not joining the 'peaceful revolution' of the Wahhabi fanatic 'freedom fighters' coming from the filth of the filth of the world to spread their way of life on the account of other people's lives. Another exact repeat of the Zionist genocide in Palestine started some 100 years ago, and Palestinians are still living its horror day by day till this date.
USA, UK, France, Germany and their stooge in the region Turkey, all members of the criminal organization known as NATO, the North Atlantic Terrorism (or Treaty) Organization, in addition to this organization stooges in the Middle East, Near East and North Africa are all now supporting Al Qaeda fighters openly and with no shame using it as a tool to further their goals in their sick dream of a New World Order, creating a One World Government, where all the people have equal rights in slavery, while they reign awaiting their king, the anti-Christ.
This New World Order is facing obstacles, these obstacles are called Sovereign Nations, nations whom do not accept to be subjugated under the hegemony of the already failing and fading western states. These nations don't want to be enslaved to save the ruined by wars economies of the axis of bloodthirsty freaks: The US, UK, France, Germany and their elite leader israel. That's why 'regime change' was needed and should be disguised as 'humanitarian intervention' to save the civilians from their leaders whom suddenly all of them wanted to 'kill their own people' using their own people to kill themselves..! And in case you don't believe that the leaders of these sovereign nations are 'killing their own people' then they'll prove to you and you will be convinced, because later on, you yourself would be enslaved to serve your masters, the elite 1%.
To kill without mercy and with nondiscrimination a ruthless criminal organization is required and there's one that just fit that criteria, it's called Al Qaeda, invented by the USA's CIA in the 80s of last century to fight the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, then moved to the Arabian Peninsula to secure the need of planting tens of military bases around oil fields, then moved to Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia (Shabab Movement), North Africa, Mali, Uganda (the Christian version of it called God's army), Libya and finally Syria.
We've seen the west cry for victims of Houla massacre for days, even the fact that all killed were from selected families whom were state loyalists including the wife and 3 daughters of the newly elected Syrian Parliament trustee Abdul Muti Meshleb were among the victims wasn't enough to stop NATO's propaganda and crocodile tears accusing the Syrian state of 'killing its own people' at the UN different bodies including the UNSC, until the truth was revealed that NATO's sponsored FSA terrorists carried out the massacre then a new massacre was needed to cover for the previous one and use the new one, Tremseh, was the answer, but Tremseh massacre didn't last for long when the victims were found to be all of terrorists whom swarm into the village and were killed when confronting the Syrian army post there.
Yesterday we witnessed Jandar's massacre, but will the Sheeple in the west ever wake up before their own government actually 'kill their own people' when it's time? I doubt.
They fool you, they keep fooling you and they enjoy fooling you, not because they're smart, it's because you're foolable.
The world can now see why so many pogroms against Jews have persisted for millennia: they harbor and support among them warmongers and manipulators that are constantly agitating and supporting violence and aggression. The whited sepulchres of the Pharisees remains the facade for the stench that is inside. The condemnation upon them is a christian version of jihad. Unfortunately, innocent people who don't recognize the manipulations by their leaders are embroiled in the war crimes and crimes againsst humanity that are generated by the Talmudic exceptionalism.