Monday, April 17, 2023

NATO Proxy Armies Fratricide in Northern Syria Drone Assassination

A Top US-sponsored Kurdish SDF separatist terrorist commander was killed by a missile from a Turkish army drone in northeastern Syria, just a new episode of the ongoing fratricide between NATO's armies and their proxy terrorist groups.

NATO Proxy Armies Fratricide in Northern Syria Drone Assassination

So-called 'Baran' along with his friends in a Kia passenger car was the target of an explosion in the northeastern Syrian city of Qamishli, Hasakah province near the borders with the Turkish (Syrian under Turkish occupation) city of Nusaybin on Friday, 14 April 2023.

This targeted assassination is not a new thing in the long war between the different forces of the NATO 'defensive' alliance in Syria, not to mention that all NATO operations in Syria are illegal, breach Syria's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and are against the Charter of the United Nations, the exact same arguments the US-led NATO and European Union use to justify arming Ukraine to fight Russia.

Double standards are the motto of the NATO 'defensive' alliance, they invade, bomb, and destroy countries out of choice based on false claims and outright blatant lies but dare any other country to defend its national security inside its own territories or directly on its borders!

NATO killing NATO is less work for the Syrian Arab Army, ideally, no NATO should be on Syrian territories, their presence allows the continuous existence of terrorist groups the likes of ISIS, al Qaeda Levant, Kurdish SDF separatists, the US Army oil thieves, and the Turkish army.

More about this latest assassination in this report: NATO Turkish Drone Kills NATO Kurdish SDF Commander in Syria.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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