Wednesday, September 8, 2021

For the 2nd Time in 2 Days: Syria Refutes Lies by Erdogan's Officials

As if Syrians have nothing better to do than to keep refuting the lies told about them by NATO officials and their propagandists, now two Syrian official sources within the span of 48 hours had to refute lies said by officials of the regime of the Turkish madman Erdogan about communications between the two countries.

Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Damascus
Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Damascus

The first which I reported yesterday was from the former head of the Turkish military 'intelligence' who claimed there will be an upcoming meeting between the director of Syria's National Security Major General Ali Mamlouk and his Turkish counterpart, the Turkish former official claimed the meeting went further as claiming the meeting will take place in the Iraqi capital Baghdad.

Though he's a former official, in the post he served to talk about a plan of his successor in that top post and also, more importantly, not being jailed by Erdogan like most other Turkish generals mean his claims reported in a Turkish newspaper are approved by the Erdogan's regime.

However, the second claim of cooperation and communication to counter-terrorism came from no other than Erdogan's minister of foreign affairs.

Imagine, Turkey is cooperating with Syria on counterterrorism, Turkey, the hotbed, hub, and massive spa for anti-Islamic suicide bombers who were brought from sides of the planet by no other than Erdogan himself as what his own colleagues stated, all of them, is cooperating with Syria, the country that suffered the most of over 350,000 of those terrorists throughout the past 10.5 years on how to fight them!

To refute the first lie, it was enough for a source from the Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to answer a question by a Lebanese media outlet, the second claim coming in less than 48 by the Turkish minister of foreign affairs required an official statement from the Syrian ministry.

Erdogan seems to have learned from his Israeli mentors, 'by ways of deception you can wage your wars and win it.' Erdoganstan, formerly known as Turkey, needs a boost to its image after its NATO alliance was humiliated in Afghanistan, and Syria is not willing to give him this virtual image boosting.

More in this report: Syria Officially Refutes the Second Lie by Erdogan’s Regime in 48 Hours.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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