Friday, May 21, 2021

Syrian Presidential Election Started Abroad- One Voter Killed by Lebanese Terrorists in Beirut

The Syrian presidential election for Syrian expatriates abroad is almost over with the Syrian diplomatic missions closing the ballot boxes after an eventful joyful day throughout the world except in 3 places: Germany banned the election and the Syrians took to the streets to protest, Turkey banned the election and nobody dared to protest out of fear of the Turkish madman Erdogan, and in Lebanon, some Lebanese primitive terrorists attacked the voters and killed one man...!

Syrian Presidential Election Conducted Around the World – One Voter Killed in Lebanon

Some of the countries that joined the US-waged war of terror against Syria and contributed heavily in the 'regime-change intervention war and where the diplomatic relations were severed the Syrian consulates carried out the presidential election in full transparency and civilized manner.

Syrians in Australia, France, India, Russia, Belarus, Brussels, Venezuela, Senegal, Kuwait, Romania, Cuba, Serbia, Armenia, to name a few, headed to the consulates and embassies to cast their votes.

The Syrians in Lebanon flocked in tens of thousands to the Syrian embassy in Beirut to the dismay of the country with the world's most retard political system, Saudi Arabia, and its stooges in Lebanon who attacked voters and their cars and the buses carrying the voters killing one Syrian in front of his wife and child and injuring many.

This is a testimony that the Syrians in their vast majority fled the country from the US-sponsored terrorist groups not from their fathers and brothers in the Syrian Army as the western officials and their propagandists in the western mainstream media were claiming all these years.

More in this report: Syrian Presidential Election Conducted Around the World – One Voter Killed in Lebanon - Video Included.

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