Monday, July 13, 2020

Ethnic Cleansing of Christians in Northeast Syria Continues at the Hands of the Kurds

If you take your news only from western mainstream sources the above title might confuse you, they show that the Kurdish SDF are some secular fighters aiming to defend their land, however, that's totally the opposite of what's going on the ground, keep in mind that the same western mainstream media used to call al-Qaeda terrorists as freedom fighters and adopted the Pentagon's lies about Iraq's WMDs then kept quiet after the mission was done.

Ethnic Cleansing of Christians in Northeast Syria Continues at the Hands of the Kurds

Syrians of all ethnicities, sects, and backgrounds are being persecuted by the USA and its terrorists with no discrimination, including the mainstream Syrian Kurds being persecuted by the Kurdish militia commanders who joined recently from the Qandil mountains in neighboring Iraq.

The Christians, however, were and continue to be the main target of oppression to force them to flee, the province of Hasakah northeast of Syria with Qamishli as one of its main urban centers used to have up to 250,000 Christians, now that number is barely 27,000 where they were mainly pushed to migrate to Europe in a systematic uprooting from their land, the same plot was carried out by all those the USA sponsored from the early days whatever names they took: the FSA, Nusra Front aka Al Qaeda Levant, ISIS, SDF, Asayish, et al.

The latest in this series is the continuous targeting of the Virgin Mary Church in Qamishli, the church is surrounded by a considerably large number of other churches for different sects. Yesterday, a bomb was detonated in front of the church, again.

More in this report: Trump’s Kurdish SDF Criminals: More Ethnic Cleansing in Qamishli

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