When did we ever hear a state official sponsoring a terrorist bombing in another country, even within countries not in good relations with it? When did we ever see ‘non-state actors’ (US-sponsored terrorist organizations) overtly and blatantly adopting terrorist attacks and vowing to carry out more while no condemnations from the UNSC or the ‘international community’?
When did ever any party after engaging in a horrific, call it an accident if you may, that caused severe damage and losses in life in a ‘friendly’ state vows to continue to carry out such acts despite the condemnation of that ‘friendly’ state?
Today we heard the Israeli officials vowing to continue to bomb in Syria, which is illegal by itself and Syria does maintain its right to respond at any given time on any date in the future against any... Continue reading: https://www.syrianews.cc/trump-protect-israel-rogue-outlaw/
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