Thursday, December 14, 2023

Will Putin Win from Operation Al Aqsa Flood of Gaza?

Russian President Vladimir Putin is taking advantage of yet another US-led Western debacle, this time in the absolute support for the war crimes committed by Israel against the people of Gaza.

Will Putin Win from Operation Al Aqsa Flood of Gaza?

An analysis of the cautious moves taken by the Russian President, especially, since the Operation Al Aqsa Flood of Gaza, the analysis is done by Turkish career journalist Husni Mahali.

In his analysis, Journalist Husni Mahali, a former close friend to the Turkish madman Erdogan so close he jailed him, believes that Putin is playing his cards cleverly outsmarting the US 'senile' Biden and the Israeli 'criminal' Netanyahu, evident by the latest swift state visits to 2 of the US's closest allies in the Gulf region, and followed by the visit of the Iranian President to Moscow to meet Putin.

The close love-hate relationship between Russian President Putin and the Turkish madman Erdogan is also highlighted and how the two benefit from each other on multiple levels including the repeated presidential elections while at the same time maintaining their strong differences in matters of top importance like Syria.

It is through Syria that Putin managed to elevate his position globally and more so in the extended MENA region, Mr. Mahali affirms and explains the complicated issues in Syria with Turkey's NATO allies, the Kurdish foes, and the failure to topple the Syrian President Bashar Al Assad.

The steadfastness of Syria under the leadership of President al-Assad is attributed to an entire shift in the global balance away from the US-controlled Western hegemony into multipolarism, and subsequently, the beginning of the elimination of global Zionism which the world, including Russia, suffers a lot from.

Will Putin win from the Al-Aqsa Flood? Find out here: Operation Al Aqsa Flood – Will Putin Win?

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